Zuccoli Village keeps up with demand


With the release of the ever popular Bambusa Release at Zuccoli Village almost SOLD OUT with 1 lot remaining, it’s looking as though the new Milikins Release isn’t far behind!!!

The ever-popular suburb of Zuccoli, is proving to be a standout option for home buyers and home builders who are taking advantage of the NT Government’s building incentives of up to $30,000 and Australian Government’s $25,000 Home Builder grant. We have compiled the information available on both NT and Australian grants available to you, which you can view here.

With limited lots available for new homes throughout Darwin and Palmerston, the Land Development Corporation has worked with our development partner Urbex to fast-track the new Milikins Release, with titles expected early 2021. Since its release in late July 2020, 24 of the 53 allotments have already sold. This is a follow up to the Bambusa Release which saw 45 allotments sold in under 8 weeks.

The delivery of 99 lots within Zuccoli Village, has ensured continued supply of land for new homes across within the Territory as well as creating and keeping construction jobs.

To view the remaining lots available at Zuccoli Village, visit the website or contact the team at info@zuccolivillage.com.au or phone 1300 662 746.